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Dear colleagues and friends,
We just returned from an amazing trip to India and Nepal and would like to take this opportunity to thank each one of you for making it possible.
India and Nepal are beautiful countries with so much to see that we feel that we will need to come back. It feels like a piece of an unfinished puzzle.
In regards to Nepal, for some lack of cultural information, I thought that Nepal would be very similar to India. I was wrong. Nepal is an incredible country with its own identity and very welcoming people. We loved each moment we spent there and we will certainly go back one of these days. Being able to see Mount Everest from a very close distance is something that I will never forget. How could one forget that?
We will start writing the articles and will send the PDF files to you as soon as they are published. We can’t wait.
In the meanwhile, as we are approaching the Holiday Season, we would like to wish you and your families a very fruitful and joyous New Year 2012 and thank you so much for such a magical trip. We are still spellbound.
With gratitude,

Mauricio de Souza/Andre Almeida
Contributing Editors
Cool Magazine
Sao Paulo-Brazil

I’ve booked a few tours with KTT – both in the city and venturing further afield. I have found their service to be consistently professional and their guides both well-prepared and always helpful. Warmly recommended. Jane Drury, Dubai

Elspeth, UK

Dear Reginald
It still seems very strange to be back in the UK and doing the usual work routine after our wonderful time in Nepal. Both Peter and I would like to say a huge thank you for all your work in making our trip so wonderful. Your arrangements were spot on and at no point were we concerned about our travel arrangements or itinerary.
The staff at Dwarikas are just amazing and we were just sorry to have been unable to say good-bye properly especially after the wonderful wedding anniversary celebration that we had. Budde was a superb guide who made our time in Kathmandu etc both interesting and educational. Rama in Pokhara was an extremely sparky young man who I am sure will go far as he went out of his way to ensure that his arrangements met our thoughts too. The Ker and Downey trekking lodges were just superb and Raju our guide was again highly knowledgeable.
I could go on and on – the time at Dhulikel, Nargokot and down in Bardia were all fantastic too.
It seems a little odd to think that it is all over for this year but we hope to return in the not too distant future to explore more parts of your beautiful country and maybe bring our grandchildren too.
With best wishes and so many thanks to you all,


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